What is 24/7 nurse triage program?

24/7 nurse triage is utilized to help injured employee’s determine what type of care is needed for their injury or illness over the phone.  The medical staff provides a cursory assessment of the injured employee and helps them decide if they need to seek emergency treatment, make an appointment with a physician or if they can self-treat at home.  A majority of workplace injuries do not require costly trips to the emergency room and many can be managed with self-treatment or home care.  When an injury does occur, calling our 24/7 nurse triage program quickly connects employees with knowledgeable, caring professionals.

The triage specialists will obtain a full report of the incident. By obtaining injury details and known medical history, as well as utilizing a pain scale and a precise nationally recognized medical algorithm, the appropriate next steps will be determined.

If further treatment by a physician is recommended, the triage specialists will assist the employee with finding the right facility. A copy of the triage report and treatment authorization is provided to the treating facility, prior to the employee’s arrival. Additional documents and instructions can be provided, including Return-to-Work/Modified Duty information, drug testing policies, and Claims Administration contact information.

Both our clients and their employees feel triage services truly help them navigate the best course of action for workplace injuries.

Benefits of 24/7 nurse triage program:

  • Each program is completely customizable to meet each client’s individual needs.
  • We utilize nationally recognized medical algorithms.
  • Immediate reduction in emergency room visits and costs.
  • Care is directed to appropriate, in-network medical providers through coordination and communication which reduces direct and indirect costs on the claim.
  • Knowledgeable, caring medical team members are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.
  • Control risk outcomes.
  • Shows your employees that you care about their health and their safety.
  • Allows for timely incident reporting.

How it works:

  • Employee and/or supervisor call the 24/7 nurse triage line.
  • Employee demographics and injury information are obtained.
  • Triage of the injury is provided via medical algorithms.
  • If treatment is needed, the treating facility is notified and authorization is faxed.
  • A triage report is created and distributed to the appropriate contacts.
  • If treatment at a facility is not needed, the triage team can provide the employee with proper self-treatment advice or first aid treatments.